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WALALAND Terms of Use

Welcome to WALALAND. We have provided you with basic information on the "Service" that may be necessary or of interest while you use WALALAND. The terms contain details about the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between the "Company" and the "User". The "Company" posts these terms on the initial screen of the "Mall" so that "Users" can easily check them. We will do our best to continuously provide a stable "Service" and hope that WALALAND will become a little closer to you through these terms of use.


Chapter 1 General Rules


Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of these terms is to define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the "User" when using the Internet-related services provided by the online shopping mall operated by Walra Corp. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").


Article 2 (Definition of Terms)
1. "Mall" refers to the virtual storefront set up by the "Company" using computer and other information communication equipment to provide goods or services to the "User."
2. "Service" refers to the mobile application and related features that the "Company" provides to "Users," regardless of the device (PC, TV, portable devices, etc.).
3. "User" refers to both "Members" and "Non-Members" who access the "Mall" operated by the "Company" and use the "Service" in accordance with these terms.
4. "Member" refers to a customer who has contracted with the "Company" for the use of the "Mall" under these terms and who uses the "Service" provided by the "Company."
5. "Non-Member" refers to someone who uses the services provided by the "Mall" without becoming a "Member."
6. "Seller" refers to a person who has entered into a "WALALAND Seller Agreement" with the "Company" and sells goods, etc., on the "Mall."
7. "Post" refers to individual content and compilations created during the use of the "Service," such as text, tags, photos, videos, and comments.


Article 3 (Disclosure, Explanation, and Revision of Terms)
1. The "Company" shall post information such as the content of these terms, the company name, the name of the representative, the address of the business location, phone number, email address, and e-commerce registration number so that "Members" can easily check them on the initial screen or connected screen of the "Mall."
2. Before "Users" agree to the terms, the "Company" must provide a separate linked or pop-up screen to confirm the "User's" understanding of important clauses such as the right to withdraw offers, delivery responsibilities, and refund conditions.
3. The "Company" may amend these terms within the boundaries of laws such as the "Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce Act," "Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions," "Basic Act on Electronic Documents and Transactions," "Electronic Financial Transactions Act," "Electronic Signature Act," "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection," "Door-to-Door Sales Act," and "Basic Law on Consumers."
4. The "Company" may have separate terms or conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Other Terms") for individual "Services" provided within the "Mall." In this case, those terms will be applied after obtaining the "Member's" consent to the "Other Terms," separately from the consent to these terms. In this case, the "Other Terms" take precedence over these terms.
5. In the event of a change to the terms, the "Company" shall announce the reason for the amendment and the effective date on the service homepage or by electronic means (e-mail, electronic notification, etc.) from 10 days before the effective date to the day before the effective date. However, if the changes are disadvantageous to the "Member," they must be announced 30 days before the effective date.
6. If the "Member" does not explicitly express their refusal or withdraw from the service after being notified of the change in terms, they are considered to have agreed to all the contents defined in the revised terms.
7. You can choose to terminate the service agreement by expressing your refusal to the changed terms.
8.Members have the obligation to check the content of these terms and conditions on the service screen. The company is not responsible for any damages incurred by members who have agreed to the revised terms due to changes in the terms, or for damages resulting from members' negligence in not knowing the contents of the revised terms.


Chapter 2 Service Use


Article 4 (Service Provision and Changes)
1. The “Company” performs the following tasks:
a) Operation and development of platforms for goods transactions and information provision
b) Goods information search support services
c) Goods purchase support services
d) Payment and settlement related tasks
e) Other tasks defined by the “Company”
2. If the goods are out of stock or there are changes in technical specifications, the “Company” can change the content of the goods or services that will be provided based on future contracts. In this case, the changed goods or service details and the provision date are immediately announced where the current goods information is posted.
3. If the “Mall” needs to change the content of the service contracted with the “User” due to out of stock or changes in technical specifications, the reason will be immediately notified to the “User” at a possible address.
4. If the service content change per clause 3 causes damage to the “User”, the “Company” compensates for the damage. However, this is not the case if the “Company” proves there was no intent or negligence.


Article 5 (Service Interruption)
1. The company strives to provide the service 24/7, 365 days a year.
2. The “Company” can temporarily suspend the “Service” if there are issues like computer maintenance, inspection, replacement, breakdowns, or communication disruptions.
3. If the company cannot maintain all or part of the service due to contract termination with affiliates, government orders/regulations, or other company situations
4. In cases of natural disasters, national emergencies, or other uncontrollable reasons
the “Company” compensates for damages incurred by users or third parties due to the temporary service interruption per clause 1. However, this is not the case if the “Company” proves there was no intent or negligence.
5. The “Member's” points will expire in their entirety based on the service expiration date, and this will be notified in advance using possible methods to the “Member”.
6. In unforeseeable or uncontrollable situations where the company can't notify or announce in advance, this clause doesn't apply. In such cases, the company strives to restore the service as soon as possible after understanding the situation.


Chapter 3 Membership Contract


Article 6 (Membership Registration)
1. The “Company” accepts the “Applicant’s” request for “Service” use in principle.
2. The “User” applies for membership by filling out the membership information according to the format set by the “Company” and expressing agreement to this contract.
3. The membership contract is established when the “Company's” approval reaches the applicant.
4. Once the membership contract is established, the “Member” can freely use the services provided by the “Company”.
5. If there are changes to the details registered at the time of membership, the “Member” must notify the “Company” of the changes using methods like member information modification within a certain period.
6. For some subordinate “Services” defined by the “Company”, the “User” may be required to agree to separate terms of use, provide additional information, verify age and identity, etc. The service can only be used after completing the verification process set by the “Company”.


Article 7 (Membership Withdrawal and Usage Limitation)
1. "Members" can request to withdraw from the "Company" at any time, and the "Company" immediately accepts this request.
2. Upon withdrawal, any discount coupons, points, and benefits held by the member will be entirely forfeited, and they will not be restored even if the member rejoins.
3. However, any "posts" made by the "member," including those shared by third parties or those that have comments and likes, will not be deleted. It's advised to delete them before requesting withdrawal.
4. If a "member" commits any of the following, the "Company" can limit or suspend their membership:
a) Registering with false information or using another person's identity.
b) Not paying for goods purchased through the "Mall" or other related debts on time.
c) Interfering with someone else's use of the "Mall" or stealing their information.
d) Violating this service agreement.
e) Spreading false information about the "Company" or damaging its reputation.
f) Going against related laws or the company's guidelines.
5. If the "Company" limits or suspends a member's rights and the member repeats the offense or doesn't correct the action within 30 days, the company can revoke their membership.
6. If a membership is revoked, the member's registration is deleted.


Article 8 (Notifications to Members)
1. For notifications to "members," the "Company" can use the email address previously agreed upon with the member.
2. Members must update their email address on the "Mall" if it changes.
3. Even if a member specifies an invalid email due to their fault, any notifications sent to the original email are considered validly delivered.
4. For critical matters, the company will notify the member through various electronic means, such as the email registered with the “Mall” account or SMS.
5. For general notifications to an unspecified number of members, the "Company" can post on the "Mall" bulletin for at least 7 days instead of individual notifications.


Chapter 4: Telecommunication Sales Service


Article 9 (Purchase Application and Personal Information Consent)
Users can apply for purchases on the "Mall" using methods like the following, and the "Company" should make the following information easily accessible:
1. Search and selection of goods.
2. Entering recipient's name, address, phone number, and email (or mobile number).
3. Confirming agreement terms, service restrictions, and costs like delivery or installation fees.
4. Agreeing to the terms and either confirming or denying the above contents (e.g., clicking with a mouse).
5. Confirming the purchase of goods or the "Mall's" agreement.
6. Choosing the payment method and making the payment.


Article 10 (Service Usage and Limitation of Liability)
1. The "Company" operates, manages, and provides a system as an online transaction broker to facilitate free trade of goods, etc., between the "User" and the "Seller". Before purchasing goods, the "User" must confirm the details and terms of trade set by the "Seller" on the platform.
2. "Company" shall bear the responsibilities stipulated by relevant laws and manage and operate the platform. The "Company" does not represent either the "User" or the "Seller" in transactions on the platform. Unless there's intentional or negligent behavior by the "Company", risks and responsibilities related to transactions are borne by the relevant parties.
3. Excluding cases where the "Company" is legally bound to take responsibility, the "Company" does not guarantee the intention to sell or purchase, the quality, completeness, safety, legality, non-infringement of third-party rights of products, or the accuracy or legality of information provided by the "Seller". Unless there's intentional or negligent behavior by the "Company", risks and responsibilities related to transactions are borne by the relevant parties.


Article 11 (Conclusion of Contract)
1. The sales contract for goods, etc., is established when the "User" agrees to the terms set by the "Seller" and the "Seller" accepts this agreement.
2. The method and content of acceptance, the time of contract conclusion, and measures for disagreements are based on the provisions of Article 9, considering the "Company" as the "Seller".


Article 12 (Supply of Goods)
1. Upon receiving confirmation of the "User's" payment, the "Company" will guide the "Seller" on the necessary steps for delivery within 3 business days.
2. Disputes regarding delivery between the "User", "Seller", delivery companies, and financial institutions are primarily settled among the parties. Unless there's intentional or negligent behavior by the "Company", it holds no responsibility.
3. If the "User" doesn't express intentions for exchange or return within 7 days of delivery completion, the "Company" will consider the transaction confirmed. However, if the "User" hasn't actually received the goods, they can report non-receipt.


Article 13 (Withdrawal of Offer)
1. Upon receiving a withdrawal request from the "User", the "Company" immediately notifies the "Seller".
2. Costs related to withdrawal, including delivery charges, are borne by the responsible party. If the withdrawal is due to defects or wrong delivery, the "Seller" bears the costs, while if it's due to the "User's" change of mind, the "User" bears them.
3. The "User" cannot withdraw the offer if:
a) Goods are lost or damaged due to the "User's" fault (except for package damage for content checking).
b) Goods' value has significantly decreased due to the "User's" use or partial consumption.
c) Time has made it hard to resell the goods.
d) Packaging of replicable goods is damaged.
e) Service or digital content delivery has started. However, this doesn't apply if composed of divisible services or digital content.
f) Goods are made to order after informing the "User" and obtaining their consent.
4. If the "Seller" doesn't fulfill their obligations or delays them after a withdrawal request, the "Company" checks its validity. If valid, the transaction is canceled, and the payment is refunded to the "User".


Article 14 (Operation of the Point System)
1. The "Company" may award certain "Wala Points" to the "Member" based on criteria set by the "Company" when the "Member" makes a purchase, writes a product review, or participates in events.
2. "Members" can use "Wala Points" when purchasing "products" from the "mall", in conjunction with other payment methods, and "Wala Points" can be used up to 50% of the product price.
3. The "Company" may set different criteria for earning, using, expiration, and other restrictions of "Wala Points" based on products, member grades, and the reasons for issuance. These criteria will be posted separately on the "mall" screen or notified.
4. "Members" cannot transfer "Wala Points" to third parties or other IDs, nor can they trade them for cash or sell them.
5. If a "Member" acquires "Wala Points" through unauthorized methods, false information, or in any fraudulent manner that violates these terms, the "Company" can restrict the use of those points, recover them by the methods the "Company" determines, cancel purchase requests made using those points, or suspend the "Member's" privileges.
6. When a "Member" withdraws or if a year has passed since the "Member's" last login to the "mall" (hereinafter "dormant status"), any unused "Wala Points" will immediately expire. Even if the member re-registers or logs in again, the expired "Wala Points" will not be restored.


Article 15 (Provision of Various Services)
1. The "Company" can introduce new individual services or detailed sub-services that weren't previously provided. Detailed information about such services will be posted or notified in a way that "Users" can easily access.
2. The "Company" can terminate any individual service or detailed sub-service that it previously provided. If there's a notification regarding a period of restriction for reusing the service after its termination, then the service may have a specific time limitation for its reuse.
3. The termination of a specific service or detailed sub-service only means the end of that particular service or sub-service and doesn't imply the end of other services that are part of the main service.
4. The "Company" offers various services for enjoyment via the internet and mobile, such as SNS, forum services, online content provision services, location-based services, etc. "Users" can download and install the service from application stores on smartphones and can also access the service directly by installing it on a PC or visiting a webpage.
5. To enable "Users" to fully enjoy the service, the "Company" grants them a personal, global, non-transferable, non-exclusive, and free license for the necessary software. However, it's essential to note that the company does not grant the "User" the right to use the company's trademarks and logos.
6. For better service, the "Company" can provide updated versions of the software. Updates might include the addition of crucial features or removal of unnecessary ones. "Users" are obliged to maintain the most recent software version, and any problems arising from different software versions are the "User's" responsibility.
7. To provide better service, the "Company" can display various information related to service usage, including notices, management messages, and other advertisements, within the service or send it directly to the contact information registered in the "User's" "mall" account. However, promotional information will only be sent to those who have previously agreed to receive such information. If you find system errors or other issues while using the service, please report them to the customer center (cs@w-a-l-a.com).
8. When "Users" use the service without connecting to Wi-Fi and instead use a mobile network, they might incur separate data charges from their mobile carrier. The "User" is responsible for all data charges incurred during service use and must pay them to their mobile carrier. For detailed information about data charges, please contact your mobile carrier.


Chapter 5. Obligations of the Company and the User


Article 16 (Protection of Personal Information)
The secure handling of the "User's" personal information is one of the most important tasks for the "Company".
The "Company" only uses personal information within the scope and purpose agreed upon by the member to provide smooth services, and manages it securely in accordance with laws related to personal information protection.
The efforts made by the company to handle the member's personal information securely and other detailed matters can be checked in the privacy policy.
1. The "Company" collects the minimum information necessary for the execution of the purchase contract when collecting information from users. The following items are mandatory, and other matters are optional.
a) Name, address, phone number, mobile phone number, email address
b) For members: ID, password, date of birth
2. The "Company" must obtain the user's consent when collecting personal information that can identify the user.
3. Provided personal information cannot be used for other purposes or provided to third parties without the consent of the user, and all responsibility for this lies with the "Company". However, there are exceptions in the following cases:
a) When informing the shipping company of the minimum user information necessary for shipping for delivery work
b) When needed for statistics, academic research, or market research, provided in a form that cannot identify a specific individual
c) When needed for payment settlement due to a transaction of goods, etc.
d) When necessary for identity verification to prevent theft
e) When there is an unavoidable reason required by law or regulation
4. "Users" can request to view and correct any errors in their personal information held by the "Company" at any time, and the "Company" has an obligation to take the necessary measures without delay.
5. "Users" have the obligation to keep their personal information up-to-date. Any damages or violations of the law resulting from not reflecting changes are entirely the responsibility of the member.
6. The "Company" is not responsible for any losses or damages resulting from the disclosure, transfer, or rental of member information without any fault of the company.
7. Account management responsibility lies with the individual member, and under no circumstances should members transfer their accounts to others, allow others to use them, or use them for the use of other people's services.
8. If a "member" realizes that their personal information has been stolen or is being used unauthorized by a third party, they must immediately notify the company, and the "Company" will actively address the issue.
9. If a "member" realizes their personal information has been stolen or is being used unauthorized by a third party but does not notify the "Company" or, even if notified, does not follow the "Company's" guidance, the company is not responsible for any losses or damages resulting from the theft or unauthorized use by a third party.


Article 17 (Obligations of the Company)
1. The "Company" shall not engage in any act prohibited by laws and regulations or this agreement or any act contrary to public order and morals and shall do its best to provide goods and services continuously and reliably in accordance with the provisions of this agreement.
2. The "Company" must have a security system to protect the user's personal information (including credit information) so that users can use the internet service safely.
3. The "Company" shall not send commercial e-mails for advertising purposes that users do not want.


Article 18 (Duties regarding the Member's ID and Password)
1. The responsibility for managing ID and password lies with the member.
2. Members should not allow their ID and password to be used by a third party.
3. If a member becomes aware that their ID and password have been stolen or are being used by a third party, they must immediately notify the company and follow any instructions provided by the company.
4. The company is not responsible for any


Article 19 (Obligations of the User)
1. Users must not engage in the following acts related to the use of the service.
a) Registering false information during application or modification
b) Identity theft
c) Modifying information posted on the "Mall" and changing it to false information
d) Sending or posting information other than the information permitted by the "Mall" (e.g., computer programs)
e) Infringement of the intellectual property rights of the "Mall" or any third party
f) Acts that damage the honor of the "Mall" or any third party or interfere with their business
g) Impersonating the operators of the "Mall", employees of the "Company", or any other related persons
h) Publishing or posting messages, images, voices, or any other information that is obscene, violent, or against public morals on the site or defaming others (in this case, the "Company" may delete the post at its discretion)
i) Intentionally disrupting the operation of the "Mall" or any user's use of the "Mall" in any way
j) Violating other related laws or interfering with the company's business or any other acts deemed inappropriate by the company
2. Users must provide true information based on facts when applying for membership or changing member information, and cannot claim any rights if they register false or someone else's information.
3. Users must comply with the provisions of these terms and conditions, other rules established by the company, notices from the company, and related laws.
4. Users must promptly notify the company of any changes to contract details, such as address, contact number, or email address. The company is not responsible for any disadvantages arising from not notifying such changes.
5. Users cannot engage in commercial activities using the service without the company's consent, and the company is not responsible for the results of such activities.


Article 20 (Site Links)
1. The "Mall" may be connected to another "Mall" through hyperlinks (including text, images, and videos).
2. The "Company" bears no responsibility for any transactions of goods or services conducted independently by the "User" on the linked site (another "Mall").


Chapter 6: Miscellaneous


Article 21 (Management of Posts and Ownership and Limitations on Copyright)
1. If a post created by the "user" contains content that violates the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection (hereafter referred to as the "Information and Communication Network Law") and the Copyright Law, the rights holder can request the "Company" to suspend and delete the post according to the procedures set by the relevant laws. The "Company" will act in accordance with these laws.
2. Even without a request from the rights holder, the "Company" may take temporary measures against a post if there are grounds to believe it infringes rights or violates the company's policies or related laws.
3. Copyright and other intellectual property rights for works created by the "Company" inherently belong to the company. However, when this is not the case, the company only handles the post for the purpose of providing information to users, making it clear that it has no intention to assert or exercise any copyright or intellectual property rights.
4. Regarding content operations provided by the "Service" of the "Company", it is clarified as follows:
a) Due to the nature of the "Mall" platform, the site deals with the names, images, and video contents of various celebrities. Also, titles of dramas, movies, advertisements, magazines, YouTube, SNS, and the names (including logos) of the broadcasting stations where they appeared can be displayed in the company's posts.
b) The "Company" clearly states that it does not have any copyright or intellectual property rights for the said works.
c) If an individual or company who has granted rights such as portrait rights, copyright, name rights, and moral rights wishes for a particular post not to be used on the site, they are requested to contact the "Company" immediately at cs@w-a-l-a.com.
d) The company neither explicitly nor implicitly states or guarantees that the content (including user content) is accurate, complete, or up-to-date.
e) If this service includes links to materials provided by other sites and third parties, these links are provided for your information.
f) The "Company" does not have management authority over links provided by other sites and third parties.
g) Such links should not be interpreted as an endorsement by our company to collect information from the linked website.
h) You acknowledge that the company has no obligation to pre-screen, monitor, review, or edit content (including user content) posted by you or other users of the service.
i) Detailed procedures related to the above are determined by the "Company" according to the rights infringement report procedure, within the scope defined by the Information and Communication Network Law and the Copyright Law.
5. “User” should not use information obtained through the site for profit or let a third party use it by copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting or any other means without the prior consent of the company if the intellectual property rights of that information belong to the company.
6. The copyright of the post posted on the service screen by the “User” belongs to the posting user. However, the “Company” can display, transmit, reproduce, and distribute it for free for the promotion of products on the site operated by the company or affiliated sites and promotional channels, and can modify and edit within the scope that does not change the essential content.
7. In this case, the company will comply with the Copyright Act, and the member can take measures such as deleting, excluding from search results, and making private for the post at any time.
8. If the user's post violates public order and morals or the site's operating policy, or infringes on the rights of a third party, the company can take measures such as deleting the post from the site.
9. “User” can post content (hereafter 'post') such as photos, texts, information, videos, services, opinions or suggestions about the company within the service. The intellectual property rights, including copyright for such posts, naturally continue to be held by the rights holder.
10. When the “User” posts a post within the service, the post may be exposed to individual services included in the service, and by doing so, the user grants the company a global license that allows for use, storage, modification, reproduction, public transmission, display, distribution, etc. within the required scope.
11. The rights that the “User” grants to the company in this license are used within the scope of operating, improving, promoting the service, and developing new services. Some individual services may provide ways to access or delete the provided content. There are also settings in some services that limit the company's scope of use for the provided content.
12. “User” should have the necessary rights to grant the company a license for the content provided to the company. The poster is responsible for all problems that arise from not having these rights.
13. “Users” should not publicly or post content that is obscene, violent, or otherwise violates public morals and laws.
14. The “Company” can delete or refuse to post content that the “User” deems to violate relevant laws, is obscene or harmful to teenagers, incites discrimination and conflict, spam, advertises, promotes, transfers or trades accounts, or impersonates others.
15. However, the “Company” is not obligated to review all content, so if someone infringes on your rights, you can seek help for post suspension requests through the customer center. You can check the detailed standards and usage restrictions related to this in the “WALALAND” operation policy.
16. Some content that the “Company” does not own may be displayed in the “Service”. The entity that provides such content is solely responsible for it.
17. Even if the “User” uses the service, they do not gain any rights to the content of other users. If you want to use another user's content, you must obtain separate permission from the content owner.


Article 22 (Use of Paid Services)
The "Company" provides most of the "Services" free of charge as a principle.
1. Some specific sub-services within the provided “Services” may be offered for a fee.
2. If the "User" uses the paid services provided by the company, it is a principle to use them after paying the usage fee.
3. Payment methods for the usage fees of the paid services provided by the "Company" include mobile phone payment, credit card payment, general phone payment, account transfer, bank deposit without bankbook, prepaid electronic payment methods, etc. Payment methods may vary for each paid service.
4. For services that have monthly regular payments, the monthly payment will be made unless the “User” personally discontinues the use of the service and does not request the cancellation of the regular payment.
5. The “Company” may require additional personal information from the “User” that is absolutely necessary for the execution of the payment, and the “User” must provide the personal information accurately as requested by the “Company”.
6. Matters not specified in this clause are determined in the terms of service for paid services of each specific sub-service within the individual service (e.g., "WALALAND" paid service terms of use, etc.), and if the content of this clause conflicts with the content of the terms of service for paid services of each sub-service, the provisions of the terms of service for the paid services of the sub-service will prevail.


Article 23 (Bulletin Board Usage Trade)
1. If the “Seller” uses the service for telemarketing or telemarketing brokerage as a business, they must comply with the obligations stipulated in the Act on Consumer Protection in E-Commerce, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “E-Commerce Act”).
2. If the “Seller” engages in telemarketing or telemarketing brokerage and a dispute related to e-commerce arises with the “User”, the “Company” provides a mechanism for the “User” to apply for consumer damage relief on behalf of them.
3. The "Company" provides functions such as entering identity information in accordance with the E-Commerce Act to verify the identity of the "User", and if a dispute arises between the "Seller" and the "User" and a consumer damage dispute resolution agency under the E-Commerce Act, the Fair Trade Commission, provincial governor, or mayor/country magistrate/district chief requests the provision of identity information, the "Company" cooperates with this.


Article 24 (Service Usage Methods and Precautions)
1. "Users" are free to use the service, but they must not engage in the following activities:
· Registering false information during service application or modification, using someone else's account and password without permission, impersonating someone else, or performing authentication processes like SMS without the account holder's consent.
· Reproducing, distributing, or commercially using information obtained from the company's service without prior consent.
· Engaging in activities that harm the reputation of others or bring about disadvantage.
· Collecting, storing, or disclosing personal information of others.
· Spreading false information to benefit oneself or others or to harm others.
· Posting false facts about the company or any third party within the service.
· Posting or linking to obscene content.
· Distributing information promoting illicit activities or acts of vice.
· Continuously sending messages, images, or videos that can cause embarrassment, aversion, or fear.
· Disseminating content against public order and morals.
· Infringing the copyright or other rights of the company or third parties (including, but not limited to, evading company's IP blocking measures).
· Uploading or spreading computer viruses that can disrupt or destroy service-related equipment.
· Intentionally disrupting the operation of the service or sending advertising information or spam against the express wishes of the recipient.
· Copying, modifying, distributing, selling, leasing, or using the service's software without the company's consent.
· Impersonating or using the identity of company staff, operator, or any other individual to post or send messages.
· Posting or sending software viruses or any other computer code designed to interfere with the normal operation of computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment.
· Repeatedly signing up and cancelling the service or any paid services within a month.
· Transmitting or posting information prohibited by related laws.
· Violating current laws, these terms, and other guidelines provided by the company.
2. Users cannot transfer or gift their service privileges or statuses to others, nor can they be provided as collateral.
3. Depending on your qualifications or age, service use may be restricted as follows:
a) Users under 19 years of age (excluding those who have reached their 19th birthday on January 1st of the respective year) cannot access content harmful to minors per the Information and Communication Network Act and the Youth Protection Act.
b) To access content harmful to minors, users must be at least 19 years old and undergo real-name and age verification. Without this verification, access to the content will be restricted.
4. If users fail to comply with the related laws, all company terms, or policies, the company can investigate such violations, delete or temporarily delete related posts, suspend the entire service or parts of the service, or limit the re-usage of the service.
5. Restrictions can be from temporary to permanent based on the cumulative degree of violations. However, clear illegal activities like disseminating obscene content, promoting gambling, or violating someone else's rights can result in immediate and permanent restrictions regardless of the number of violations.
6. For details on the provisions in this article and other service-related matters, please refer to the "WALALAND" operational policy.


Article 25 (Compensation for Damages, etc.)
1. The “Company” does not make any specific agreements or guarantees regarding any matters not specified in these terms within the limits allowed by related laws.
2. The "Company" does not guarantee the reliability or accuracy of information, materials, or facts posted on the service by the CP (Contents Provider) or "Users", and is not responsible for any damage to "Users" that occurs without the company's fault.
3. If you suffer damages due to the company's negligence, the company will compensate for the damages according to these terms and related laws.
4. However, the company is not responsible for the following damages that occur without its fault. Also, the company does not bear responsibility for indirect, special, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages within the limits allowed by law.
a) Damages caused by natural disasters or other force majeure events.
b) Damages caused by the "User’s" fault leading to service disruptions.
c) Personal damages incurred during the process of accessing or using the "Service".
d) Damages caused by third parties illegally accessing or using the company's server.
e) Damages caused by third parties disrupting transmissions to or from the company's server.
f) Damages caused by third parties transmitting or spreading malicious programs.
g) Damages caused by omitted, missing, or destroyed transmitted data, defamation, etc., arising from a third party's use of the service.
h) Other damages caused without the company's intention or negligence.
5. The "Company" is not responsible for any profits expected by "Users" using the service or for any other damages resulting from data obtained through the service.
6. Unless the company is at fault, it is not obliged to intervene in disputes between "Users" or between "Users" and third parties mediated by the service and is not responsible for compensating for any resulting damages.


Article 26 (Youth Protection)
The "Service" is fundamentally a space where all ages can use freely. To protect adolescents from harmful information and to help with safe internet use, a separate youth protection policy set by the Information and Communication Network Act is implemented. Specific details can be found on the individual service's main screen or similar areas.


Article 27 (Resolution of Disputes)
1. The "Company" establishes and operates a damage compensation system to reflect valid opinions or complaints raised by "Users" and to compensate for their damages.
2. The company prioritizes handling complaints and opinions submitted by "Users". However, if quick handling is difficult, the company immediately notifies the user of the reasons and the processing schedule.
3. In the event of an e-commerce dispute between the "Company" and the "User", the dispute may be mediated by the Fair Trade Commission or a dispute resolution agency designated by a city or provincial governor.
4. The company operates a dispute resolution system to objectively and smoothly mediate disputes between "Users" and "Sellers".
5. "Users" must sincerely respond to the mediation of the dispute resolution system in good faith.


Article 28 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)
1. Lawsuits related to e-commerce disputes between the "Company" and "Users" shall be governed by the Civil Procedure Act in terms of jurisdiction.
2. South Korean laws apply to e-commerce lawsuits brought between the "Company" and "Users".


- Announcement Date: August 24, 2022
- Implementation Date: September 1, 2023